Category Archives: London Calling

Where Kings Roamed

Where Kings Roamed

Fontaine Chambers’ amazing journey to London is nearing conclusion, but not before visiting Knole House, the 14th century estate of Henry VIII of England, who felt it his divine right to expand his empire. Referred to as a calendar house with 365 bedrooms, 52 staircases and seven courtyards, Knole House is surrounded by hundreds of acres of deer park. Out there in the fields in 1967, the Beatles filmed an early music video for Penny Lane.

Husky Pride

Husky Pride

“Yesterday I had the opportunity to visit Olympic Stadium in Stratford, England, where the 2012 Olympic Games were held. My fellow pairs and I came across a wall where you can physically write out whatever you desire. We choose, of course, UCONN, which symbolizes that no matter where we are, or how far we go, we are all UCONN students. We have admiration for the opportunities that UCONN has provided, especially studying abroad.” — Fontaine Chambers, New Haven Promise Scholar (and UConn proud)

Breathtaking Beauty

“Today we were able to visit Vatican City. The city is sovereign — it has its own laws and police. Vatican City is the smallest internationally recognized independent state in the world by both area and population and visiting was a unique experience that many others would love to do. I had the pleasure of visiting the Sistine Chapel in Vatican City. It was beautiful. The paintings — which are far more breathtaking in person — were all created by Michelangelo. Being able to see the actual paintings that I’ve read and heard about was an amazing experience that I won’t soon forget!” — Fontaine Chambers, New Haven Promise Scholar

UConn to The U.K.

University of Connecticut sophomore Fontaine Chambers — a political science major who attended Wilbur Cross High in New Haven — is heading to London for a university-sponsored three-week venture. She will be journaling her experiences here at Promise Abroad.

“I am always a New Haven Promise Scholar everywhere that I go,” she said. “While I am studying abroad I will be representing this program that has done wonders for not only myself, but as well as my community. My goal is to be a beacon of light for current New Haven Promise Scholars as well as soon-to-be scholars. It is imperative that I convey the numerous opportunities that are waiting to be taken.”

Fontaine is pictured above at the 2013 New Haven Promise Scholar Celebration at the Omni New Haven with her father, Ray, who works at the Yale School of Management. Chambers was featured in The Faces of Promise — which was shown at that celebration. It can be seen at the top right of this page.